December 07, 2024,TOKYO, Japan : Rigaku Corporation (headquarters: Akishima City, Tokyo; president and CEO: Jun Kawakami; hereinafter “Rigaku”), a Rigaku Holdings Group company and global solution partner in X-ray analytical devices, began receiving orders for the XSPA-200 ER, an X-ray seamless pixel array detector.
The XSPA-200 ER uses high energy resolution to defeat increases in background noise from samples. In this way, the XSPA-200 ER enables high-sensitivity measurement even in samples containing transition metals*, such as materials in steel and batteries. Formerly, such measurements required large X-ray analytical equipment; with the arrival of the XSPA-200 ER, the analysis can be performed using desktop X-ray analyzers such as the MiniFlex.
The XSPA-200 ER makes high-precision X-ray analysis easier than ever. Expected benefits include acceleration of R&D in new materials and further contribution to improvement of quality in existing materials.
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